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So lets talk Competitions

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So lets talk Competitions Empty So lets talk Competitions

Post by Danaussie Sat Nov 28, 2015 9:57 am

Hi guys,

There has been some general banter since we conducted this Inaugural Division Competition...ok, mainly between myself and Coldie admittedly. :lol:

So I thought I'd open this thread in the Competitions to see what the general interest is for this kind of club activity, which, would be the only kind of club activity we would conduct. Based on the way Coldie was running things, there are a few different models we might employ using the base XP, screenshot idea in a Division Match.

I think if we all put our heads together we can come up with a few different ideas, I cannot promise that everyones ideas will be used but that shouldn't stop you from posting them. The basic question posed in this thread is:

1. If you were to run a Divisional Competition, how would you run it?
2. What kinds of prizes should there be (if any) and how could we go about getting hold of them?
3. What would the competition aims be? What are the objectives?
4. Do we have set Teams or can you set new ones?
5. How do we scale the Teams to create parity?
6. How many games should you play, should this be pre-set?
7. How long should a season run for?
8. Should there be multiple tiers played over a season? Scaled or Have Rounds for example (Round 1 = T1 up to what Tier?)

Im sure you can all think of better questions that need asking or better ideas that may be posed, so this is your chance to get some ideas down and for us to have a good open discussion about potential competitions that we may host here at Taskforce44. Don't forget we may hold multiple competitions or challenges throughout the year, one series may follow another for example and be run by different people.

Dan Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

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Age : 51
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So lets talk Competitions Empty Re: So lets talk Competitions

Post by Moganite Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:31 pm

I was thinking of running one during the ranked season.

The idea was to base it on the base xp but it must also be a win and it would of been solo.
 Its time frame would be over a week and there would be prizes for ranks 18 to 11 and ranks 10 to 1. I was going to gift the prizes myself so they will be rather modest I was thinking for each chunk of ranks.
1st 1250 doubloons
2nd 3 days premium
3rd 1 day premium

I was also thinking that if you won a prize in one group of ranks that would preclude you from winning a second prize; I would like to spread them around.

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So lets talk Competitions Empty Re: So lets talk Competitions

Post by coldbeer72 Mon Nov 30, 2015 8:03 am

Top, idea Mogs!!!

Given that there is only about 3 weeks left of this season though, could you get this organised in time?

I am currently working on some "continuous" monthly leaderboards for the club, but will happily help out if you want to have a crack at this.

Get all your plans down in writing and PM them to me. I will review and offer any suggestions I think may be worth considering.


Coldbeer coldbeer

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So lets talk Competitions Empty Re: So lets talk Competitions

Post by Danaussie Mon Nov 30, 2015 9:49 am

Yeah guys this is an open discussion, and nobodies views will be invalid. To be perfectly honest I like the ideas both presented in private by Coldbeer and your ideas Moganite.

Cash orientated prizes I will always be dubious about guys, and Im just being honest straight up about this point. The load of expense should never fall to one person especially in a club environment 1 or 2 such competitions per annum run in this way would be enough.

People should not need a cash carrot to "need" or "want" to be involved. I believe it also sets a dangerous precedent that Taskforce44 will always hold Cash prizes comps, therefore we get an influx of "part-time" members and a influx of activity "just" during comp times. I believe the sponsors (whoever they may be) could get a bit jacked about that over time, especially if part-time clubbers take the money and run. Just my 2 cents on sponsored cash prizes guys, but in no way the final word.

You could however have an "entrance fee" paid up front, modest, $5-$10 bucks via a pre-set Taskforce44 Paypal account, we would need to be pretty strict about this. But at least if we were to do it this way all interested members or guests would all share the load of expense. These monies would be handled by the Competitions Organizers and not by me. 

There are other ways we can handle things if we all put our heads together. You don't need cash to draw crowds...trust me on this.

You just need a regular, simple and interesting comp.

Cheers guys, keep the ideas going guys. Salute

Dan Australia

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So lets talk Competitions Empty Re: So lets talk Competitions

Post by Moganite Thu Dec 03, 2015 10:45 am

I would agree on those points.

I was thinking the same sort of things dan how do we fund  competitions and the timing. Yes some individuals could donate prizes for competitions but that would be entirely up to the individual involved.  There is no reason we cant have both models present and working. It would be definitely the case that sponsors could get fed up with sponsoring competitions particularly if there is a large number of freeloaders just for the competitions and not doing anything in return.

As to the  number and frequency one or two bigger competitions a year would be fine.

As for my Idea we can keep it on the shelf for now as there is plenty going on right now with Christmas, project R etc. and have it organized for the next rank season.

I worked out the total cost for what I was going to do and it would of been around $26 for all the prizes. Also any cash prize would be along side the trophies for each competition

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So lets talk Competitions Empty Re: So lets talk Competitions

Post by Danaussie Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:18 am

Yes Yes and Yes, all very valid points Mog, I guess the other thing to mention is that we are here for the long haul, which means there is no great hurry for any of this to go ahead straight away.

Coldy has launched his Monthly Leaderboards Challenge which will give us a really good idea of the participation levels and also the types of things that perhaps players will want to shoot for.

Also, it is not out of the question whatsoever to run a standard comp like the Monthly Leaderboards and 2 other such Major Type Competitions (XP Based, Team or Solo) that are sponsored or paid for by the club, in conjunction with, or back to back. This will largely depend on club participation, and Im not going to drill the club to participate or not, but it certainly is always good to have such events on a club calendar for those that do wish to do something of this sort.

I am here to create the Virtua-Trophies and Medal Ribbons for the members, these are no trouble to make and present, award certificates are always yet another option that are cheap and easy to make and send via email.

But ultimately members are just happy to see their names up on the boards in a running leaderboard, records can be kept at our Hall of Honour for posterity.



Posts : 241
Join date : 2015-09-27
Age : 51
Location : Ulladulla, New South Wales, Australia


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